Please see below information about the current direction from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Norway – The Norwegian government has just cancelled all Allied training in Norway and asked that all personnel should return home as soon as possible. Although no outbreaks have been attributed to Allied personnel currently deployed on training and exercises, it does give a flavour of the current COVID-19 situation in Norway, where management of the new “English” variant is becoming a political issue.
Switzerland & Austria (both owned by DA Vienna) – All military activity in both countries is currently a no-go. Both countries have plans to open up in the coming months just as we do – although their vaccine rollouts are nowhere near our levels so there is a risk of plans being reversed. Dip clearance paperwork will need to be detailed, and submitted several weeks prior even if the COVID situation is looking particularly positive.
France – We are still to understand the detailed current situation but it is understood to be following a similar pattern to Austria.
Please note that regardless of in country rules, the final authorisation for the re-commencement of Army sport rests with Army HQ and the ASCB. It is not anticipated that a decision on the 2021/22 winter season will be made before Jun 21.