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300 Years for The Royal Regiment of Artillery

By 27 May 2016No Comments

300 Years for The Royal Regiment of Artillery

On 26 May 2016 The Royal Regiment of Artillery, generally known as the Royal Artillery (RA) celebrated its 300th Anniversary with a Review before Her Majesty The Queen, the Captain General at Larkhill, Wiltshire.

Since the end of the 2nd World War the Royal Artillery has played an important role in Nordic skiing and later also in Biathlon. On the occasion of their Tercentenary (“Ubique 300”) it is worth noting the achievements of the 25 Gunner athletes who have represented Great Britain in 12 Olympic Winter Games since 1956. Congratulations also go to the nine different Gunner Regimental Teams who have won the Army Nordic Championships.

Please click for a record of the RA Olympians, current and past athletes & British Biathlon Union BBU Staff and the names and dates of the Championship winning teams.

Historical note: Guns were first used by the English in the early fourteenth century, but it was almost four hundred years before a permanent force of artillery was formed. On 26 May 1716 the first two permanent companies of Royal Artillery were formed by Royal Warrant in the reign of George I. The two companies numbered 100 men each.